Welcome To Barbara Pretorius Physiotherapist
In the Garden Route, near the Knysna Lagoon, works Barbara Pretorius, the Physiotherapist. The patient encourager, that enjoys massaging and coaxing patients back to wholeness.
After a thorough evaluation a holistic approach is used to treat, educate, guide and encourage your body back to health and wholeness. The logo “Your health is in your hands” explains it all: ʻYou need to realize that your well being is in your hands. You need to take responsibility for what you put into your body and what you take out of your body. In the logo the hands represent your hands holding your body and taking care of it. Barbaraʼs hands are there to help, guide, educate and encourage you to make the right decisions on how to take care of your body.
Barbaraʼs mission is to foster a good relationship with you based on mutual respect, communication and trust, and to uphold scientific standards by thoroughly evaluating and treating you based on the latest research. Barbara improves the standard of care and quality of treatment by keeping herself informed of new developments in health care.
A special interest is to manage acute and chronic pain.
Musculoskeletal conditions such as headaches, neck and back pain and knee and shoulder stiffness due to various injuries involving joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments and nerves are managed, treated or rehabilitated.
A wide range of techniques that include stretching, stabilising and strengthening exercises, joint and nerve mobilisation, dry needling, electrotherapy, myofascial release and massage are used to assist in treatment.
Massage therapy is available for stress relief and sport massages are done as well. Posture evaluation and correction is performed to optimise well being.
Sinuses and/or lungs full of phlegm are treated with medicated nebulization, postural drainage and percussion. Breathing exercises to get rid of excessive phlegm is taught.
The goal is to help you rid yourself of pain and illness and to teach you to maintain your body so that it remains healthy and well.
Physiotherapist Barbara Pretorius is at number 3 Trotter Street, Knysna, in the red house across the road from the Veterinary Clinic. For more information and appointments contact Barbara at +27 (0)44 382 1670 or +27 (0)82 749 0013.